
Uncovering Archive 2023 - Technological Experiences - Teatre Principal
A Bolero for
the Archduke

An installation on the use of folklore in the soundscape of the Balearic Islands.

In 1950s Spain, the country pulsed to the rhythm of the pasodoble and regional dances promoted by the Sección Femenina. Meanwhile, in Mallorca, new beachside folk elements with Ibero-American sounds were emerging. This sonic image was born from the tension between local traditions and the desired image to be projected to tourists.

Using commercial postcards and private records from Josep Planas, Simone has crafted a series of "sound clips" that reproduce traditional rhythms and melodies infused with elements of other folk traditions to cater to nightlife.

Visitors can interact immersively with these mixes to create their own unique soundscape.